Story By: AnnaLaura Brown
If you have an ongoing illness then you are more than likely aware of how challenging it can be to be grateful and stay positive. Your illness may be permanent like a disability or an illness you were born with that has no cure, or it may be something like cancer or an autoimmune condition that you may be able to push into remission and even eventually cure after a few years. In either case, if you can find ways to be grateful and stay positive, then you will increase your happiness and have a better outlook on life. Here are some ways I’ve found that work for me:

- Do a 30 day gratitude challenge and journal. Challenge yourself to come up with something different every day that you are grateful for. Write it down in a notebook or journal and if you want you can even write down why you are grateful for that particular thing. I’ve also found that once I’ve done it for 30 days, I often want to continue for 60 days or even 90 days. It is said that having an attitude of gratitude is life changing and I’ve personally experienced this. It is often easier in the beginning to come up with new things you are grateful for and more difficult as time goes on.
- Play the happiness game. This is a game that was featured in the Disney movie Pollyanna. If you remember the storyline you will remember that Pollyanna played this game with everyone including a lady who had a chronic illness and it changed this lady’s life and improved her health. Find things to be happy for. In some cases these may be the same things that you are grateful for but often they will be different. If it’s been awhile consider re-watching the movie Pollyanna. It can be watched on Disney Plus streaming if you don’t have it on DVD.
- Find other people who are going through something similar you can connect with and learn from. With the internet this has become much easier. There are lots of youtube channels, blogs, and Facebook groups among other things for people with specific health challenges as well as channels and groups for motivation and gratitude. You may want to consider starting your own support group. You can either start a local support group so you can meet in person or start an online group so you can get support and learn from others from all over the world. It is also said that service can help improve your attitude and your life and starting a support group to help others who are also struggling with an ongoing illness can be a form of service. This can also be a way to give back when your health won’t permit you to spend your energy on other service projects. There are also websites out there that focus on connecting people who have similar illnesses. You can consider using one or more of those to connect with others.
- Focus on what is going right in your life rather than what is wrong. For example, you can focus on still being alive, having access to medicine, supplements and technology that makes it easier for you to live your life despite your challenges etc.
- Spend time outside. Being outside is good for your health so you need to force yourself to get out. Even if it’s just for a few minutes and for a very short walk or to sit outside and read a book for 10 minutes. I like to make it a habit of going outside for at least a few minutes in the morning, during my lunch break and before or after dinner. During the winter if it’s cold where you live, keep a sweater or coat by the door to wear so you can stay warm when you go outside. I find that if I do this, it is easier for me to go outside and stay outside without getting too cold and wanting to come back inside immediately.
- Take time for self care. For some people that can be harder than for others. If you are responsible for taking care of other people that is fine, but you must take time for yourself. This is even more important when you have a long term illness. It may only be for a short time but you must do it. If needed you can research options for respite care for others under your care, so that you can get the self care you need. Self care can be something more elaborate like a spa day, a massage, a pedicure, a night out with girl friends, or it can be something more simple like reading a book for an hour without any distractions, giving yourself a pedicure at home, or going for a drive in the canyons to enjoy nature. Anything that you enjoy doing either by yourself or with a few friends can be considered self care. Too often I find that we make self care more complicated than it needs to be.
- Make time for meditation. This is a simple thing that everyone can do even if you are stuck in bed. There are lots of apps and youtube videos that make this easy. One of the best blogs out there that has a lot of meditations is Purpose Fairy. A few of the best apps to help with meditation include: Calm, Insight Timer, and Brain.Fm. You may also find it relaxing to listen to some classical music or to watch a youtube video with a crackling fire, or something else similar.
- Create some affirmations that you can say out loud that remind yourself to be grateful and positive. Some great ones are: I am grateful for the life I have now and the life I will have in the future. I am happy and healthy. I create a life of health, happiness and gratitude. I help others and in turn they help me. My life is improving every day. I focus daily on the things that are right in my life. I am learning more and more each day on how to live a life of greater happiness and greater health. I empower others to be positive. I am full of gratitude for every blessing in my life.
- Find some uplifting and motivating music to listen to. Create a playlist for when you are feeling down and need some help. You can ask around for others to help you find some great songs to include. You can use spotify, pandora, apple music, or Amazon music for example as locations to create your playlist. I recommend including at least a few pieces of classical music and at least a few pieces of music with a beat that you want to dance to.
- Do what you can to create a positive, healthy and uplifting environment. For example, put some nice pictures on your walls, get a few plants and or flowers, use an essential oil diffuser for some nice smells and to help cleanse the air, make sure your bedroom and other rooms in the house where you spend a lot of time are clean, keep your belongings organized and free from clutter and anything else you can to create an ambiance that is uplifting and positive.
Connect with AnnaLaura directly by visiting her website
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