The Graceful Boon

A Guide To Women's Issues

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I’ve recently started binging ‘My Unorthodox Life’, a show which stars Julia Haart, the CEO of Elite World Group (EWG), and her children. I’m half way through season 2, so for those of you who’ve already finished watching it in full, please don’t give me any spoiler alerts along the way. And for those of you who don’t know what show I’m even talking about, let me give you a little summary on the show. I’ll attempt not to give too much away in case you’ll want to watch it after reading this.

Julia Haart is a Jewish-American businesswoman. At 42 years old, she started her life all over again when she left the Orthodox-Jewish religion she was a part of all her life, both as a child of people who were extremely religious and a part of that community and as a wife of someone who was extremely religious and a part of that community. She realized she didn’t want to be part of that community, but rather be her own person; her own woman, if I’m to describe it as she would in her own words.

Haart also shows a little bit of her life as a married woman to her second husband, Italian businessman, Silvio Scaglia. The first season didn’t show much of their relationship. Nonetheless, they seemed like a solid and loving couple who loved spending time together and enjoyed each other’s company. Haart seemed to have found her person for a second time, but her work ethic never faded. There was one scene during the show’s first season where Haart was held up at work and was therefore late to her pre-planned date night with her husband by hours. When she finally arrived, her husband was upset that she was so late. Haart, on her part, wasn’t apologetic that her work was so important to her and made it up to him by planning something else for him on a different day.

That particular scene was shown at the end of season 1. It ended on a high note; a happy note. The beginning of season 2 saw a different light, however. The very beginning of season 2 shows Silvio moving out of his and Haart’s home, and Haart was visibly upset and devastated that her marriage ended. Despite that, she was absolutely sure that she and her former spouse were still friends and would stay that forever. It was all too good to be true, and everyone around her, particularly her friends, knew that.

The friends, as well as Julia’s employees at EWG, were proven to be right when Julia was made aware that her second ex-husband hired a well-known lawyer in an attempt to screw her over on a professional level and ruin her reputation. She was eventually fired from her own firm, and her staff was eventually fired as well. It was just reported a few days ago that Haart and her ex settled their differences in court, but that she was still planning to sue him for fraud and defamation.

It would an utter understatement to say that I was one bit surprised. I wasn’t. That’s what happens during a divorce, especially when one person has a lot more to lose than the other. Even though he was already a successful businessman already when they got together and got married, it was Silvio that had more to lose in his breakup with Julia Haart, and he knew that 100%. Therefore, he led her on, but had his own plans to manipulate her behind her back. On the flip side of the coin, Haart is on much better terms with her first ex-husband and the father of her children. They consider each other friends and they have a great co-parenting relationship together. It’s evident during a scene where Julia and her ex are having dinner and discussing Julia feeling disrespected by their youngest son due to their different views on the Jewish religion.

As a woman, as an entrepreneur, and more importantly, a female entrepreneur, watching the show has been an eye opening experience. The chronicles of both of Julia Haart’s marriages goes to show that women have to be extremely careful who they marry and who they have children with. That’s not to say that only women can be victims of spousal abuse, whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional, it really doesn’t matter. But generally speaking, women are more likely to be victimized as women are much more vulnerable and emotional creatures no matter how strong they might be.

It’s not just Julia Haart that can be used as an example of why women should be careful who they choose to marry and have children with. Look at what Kim Kardashian went through in the past two years since her divorce from Kanye West. He showed an infatuation and an obsession with Kim years before they even got together. While watching The Kardashians’ reality show(s), there were signs of marital abuse already, specifically when West attempted to control every single thing that Kim wore. And when they broke up and Kim moved on with Pete Davidson, West went on a social media spree to victimize himself and take every opportunity he could to take down her new boyfriend. Yet he had no issue whatsoever having his own set of girlfriends. He even went as far as sending Kardashian a bouget of flowers with a huge sign that read, “Krystal Klear.’ They since settled their divorce and it became final, but the whole situation was THE definite definition of post-breakup abuse which could’ve ended badly.

In my own situation, I can honestly say I chose the right partner and father to my child. I know people become different when they go through a separation and a divorce. My husband and I separated back in 2018, and I saw the person he became at the time. Despite all that, I still saw a man that respected me as a woman, and I loved him for that. When we were contemplating on going our separate ways and making it legal, he was the one that initiated the conversation of who gets what in the divorce, and he was the one that said I could keep the condo that we live in now.

Since then, four years went by and we worked out our differences. I’m so thankful for that because I now get to see him in the role of a father, and I love him even more. Of course, you never know what could happen between us in the future. Things can change in a blink of an eye. No matter what, though, I know that we’ll be in each other’s lives forever, at least for the sake of our son. I know that I chose the best father to my son, and I know that no matter what will happen between him and I, he’ll always be there for both of us.

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