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Megan Fox: An In-Depth Analysis Of How Her Relationships With Brian Austin Green & Machine Gun Kelly Relate To Mental Health

I recently saw a post on Instagram with a clip from a podcast episode where the host asks her guest, ‘What’s the worst thing that could ever happen in your life?’ The guest’s response was simple, and yet not. It was, ‘Getting married to the wrong person.’ Most people are afraid they won’t ever get married; that they won’t ever find someone to love and have them be a lifelong partner. It’s a scary thought to end up alone in your life and not have someone to love by your side. But what we don’t think about when we’re alone is that what’s even scarier is getting married to the wrong person, for it’s a lonely world that you’re setting yourself up for when you marry the wrong person. And what’s worse than being alone is being lonely. The late, great Robin Williams said that when talking about depression.

I know I was so afraid of ending up alone before I met my husband. Before I got together with him, my longest ever relationship was 6 months in length. And I don’t think I can call it a relationship in the first place as we’d only see each other once a month. The second longest relationship was 5 months in length. The guy ended up being a total creep. I had to see him from time to time because we were friends with some of the same people, and years after our breakup, he dared to sexually assault me in front of my husband. I never, ever saw him again despite his attempts to see me again.

Those were the only two ‘relationships’ that I ever had, and both were toxic. Any other person that came into the picture romantically speaking was a fling, a one night stand, or a one-two date situation. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to have a long-term relationship; I did. I actually longed for it. It was rather that I was too afraid to trust anyone in such an intimate way following my rape. That one night had a long-standing effect on me, and in some ways, it still affects me to this day. And yet, despite my trauma, I ended up with the person I met when I was 22, which in today’s standards, is considered to be very early.

The very beginnings of my relationship with my now-husband weren’t all glamorous, to say the least. The main reason why our relationship has worked is because he’s so patient with me. Patience, kindness and empathy are the most important qualities I needed in someone I’d spend the rest of my life with, and it’s not just because of my trauma I experienced due to rape, but also because of me having cerebral palsy, and then being diagnosed with epilepsy. My husband has all those three qualities down to a tea. I’m just glad I found the right person for me, and that I didn’t just settle for anything less than I truly deserved.

The podcast clip that I saw on Instagram immediately made me think of Megan Fox. Specifically, it made me think of her recent interview on the ‘Call Her Daddy’ podcast with Alex Cooper. Fox is an American actress who’s appeared in movies such as the ‘Transformers’ franchise, the ‘Ninja Turtles’ franchise, ‘Jennifer’s Body’, ‘Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen’ with Lindsay Lohan, whom I’ve written about in a couple of my previous posts. Since that fateful interview where she compared Michael Bay, the director of ‘Transformers’ franchise, to working with Hitler, her career never recovered even though they’ve since made up and put aside their differences.

Nowadays, she’s more known for her personal life rather than her work. She’d previously been married to the original ‘90210’ star, Brian Austin Green between 2010 and 2021, though they got together in 2004 when Fox was just 18 years old, and Green was already in his 30’s. That meant that by age 18, she’d already been a stepmother to Green’s oldest son, Kassius Lijah Marcil-Green. The former couple ended their marriage in 2019 after 15 years together, 9 years of marriage, and 3 children together. They seem to have a very healthy co-parenting relationship now years later, unlike Green’s relationship with the mother of his older son, Vanessa Marcil. Green always speaks highly of Fox, which is more than anyone can say about his relationship with Marcil.

As of early 2020, Fox has been in a relationship with Machine Gun Kelly. Their relationship, in my eyes, is weird and toxic. After 2 years of dating, they became engaged to be married in January 2022. Machine Gun Kelly designed her engagement ring himself, and designed it in a way that it had spikes in them that would make it difficult and painful for Fox to take the ring off. Fox then opened up about how they drank each other’s blood following their engagement, and talked about they are twin flames, they met in a past life, and more outrageous, unsettling and downright ridiculous things about their relationship. A year later, there were signs of ‘trouble in paradise’ and speculations of cheating on Machine Gun Kelly’s part. Fox denied there was ever cheating, but recently opened up to Alex Cooper that the engagement was, indeed, called off.

During interview on ‘Call Her Daddy’, Fox opened up about her relationships with both Brian Austin Green and Machine Gun Kelly. Almost nothing was left unsaid, and when I say almost nothing, I mean the current status of her relationship with Machine Gun Kelly was left unsaid, but since there are paparazzi pictures of them out there for everyone to see almost daily, it’s safe to say that they’re still together. But here’s HER take on both her relationships.

On Brian Austin Green:

“First of all, let me just say—I was not a great girlfriend to Brian. I will be very honest, and he was not great to me either all the time, but I think it would be easy for me to lean into, or complain about, or let it seem like that relationship was one way. I was not great, because I was young, and really should not have been in a relationship with that level of commitment and that magnitude.

I did a lot of falling in love with other people at the time. I would go to work and fall in love because I was a kid. And yeah, I never had the full freedom to be single and experience that life, and I thought for a minute when I got divorced that’s what I was going to do, and I was single for like three weeks.”

Fox also called her previous relationship with Brian Austin Green unfulfilling, but made it clear that she didn’t mean to disrespect her ex-husband and the father of her 3 children.

On Machine Gun Kelly:

“I guess one of the ones that’s very persistent is that I’m like Satanic, or do Satanic rituals, or maybe adjacent to Illuminati, or something in that vein,” she said. “Which I think really started—I don’t know why it started there was just that one time I said I drink blood ritualistically, and then everybody was like, ‘She’s into Satanic rituals.’ That was a very misunderstood thing.

It’s like that, except instead of rubbing your fingers together the drop of blood goes in your mouth,” she added. “And I don’t know why that becomes Satanic! What is so gross about what I did with my ‘soul mate’?

I think that what I’ve learned from being in this relationship is that it’s not for public consumption,” the 37-year-old reflected. “So I think as of now, I don’t have a comment on like the status of the relationship. What I can say is, that is what I refer to as being my ‘twin soul’, and there will always be a tether to him no matter what.”

But also….

Fox added another layer to her thought process and decision making when it comes to her romantic relationships, and we now know that it all comes down to witnessing her mother’s depression, as well as watching her being unfulfilled with her father’s love.

“I was so connected to her sadness,” she explained of her relationship to her mother. “Her feelings of being unfulfilled, and also her resentment towards relationships. My dad, is really outgoing and funny and charming, and really unique and sparkly, and she was not fulfilled in that relationship for whatever reason. They got divorced, she immediately got remarried.”

She continued, “I watched her depression through her relationship as well, so the messaging that I received is that men, and marriage in particular, drain you of your life force, and keep you from being able to express your creativity or express your unique desires, and it’s an oppressive experience to be in a relationship or to be in love.”

There’s more…

Fox didn’t just open up to Alex Cooper about her romantic relationships, but the industry seeing her as a sex symbol when she saw the complete opposite in herself, as well as the plastic surgeries and procedures she’d done on herself.

“I think it adds pressure to a girl who has body dysmorphia and never really saw herself that way,” Megan reflected. “And the things that I thought were my strengths, like my mind, my intelligence, or my sense of humor—those things are not acknowledged, and instead I’m being acknowledged for something I don’t identify with or as. It’s forcing me to wear a character I wasn’t trying to wear. And then also, you assign the character to me, and then you torture and demonize the character.

I was never that. I was never her, like you created her and then you murdered her. I think to just being called a ‘sex symbol,’ I don’t initially have a reaction. But to the whole process of what really happened, and it goes into just being famous in general and the process of fame, has been really haunting, to be honest.”

I’ve never had a face lift of any kind, I’ve never done threads, I’ve never had buccal fat done—I’ll never have any fat removed from my face, I will only ever put fat in, which leads me to I’ve never had any liposuction, or body contouring or anything like that.

I would be so flattered if somebody thought I had a BBL, if I could, I would. I don’t have the extra body fat. I don’t like surgery, so when I go to have a surgery it’s a very big deal. I’m very afraid of dying under general anesthesia, so I haven’t had much surgery because of that.”

What does it all mean?

This actually means everything. Fox’s interview on the ‘Call Her Daddy’ podcast with Alex Cooper was the most compelling and vulnerable we’d ever seen her be in her entire career. Through this interview, we got the chance to understand more about her in her words, and her words only, rather than base everything on what the media tells us. We got to understand that her decision making and her romantic relationships are correlated with her past and her home life with her parents. We understand that her relationship herself and what she thinks of herself vs. what others see her as might have something to do with who she chooses to be her romantic partner.

I believe there’s definitely such a thing as marrying the wrong person. There’s also such a thing as marrying the right person at the wrong time. That was the case with Fox marrying Brian Austin Green. To be a wife and a mother figure by the age of 18 is a heck of a lot of responsibility for anyone to have at any age, but to start out having this much responsibility at the age of 18 is something uncanny. Her entire relationship with Brian Austin Green was a reflection of her parents’ relationship. Machine Gun Kelly is now a reflection of what she was looking for in her 20’s that she lacked with Green- fun, exotic, exciting, and yet, in their own little bubble, stable. I still think that their relationship is toxic AF, but who am I to judge. They’ve also seemed to have gone backwards in their relationship rather than moving forward, and when that happens, the right thing to do would be to break up for good.

But Brian Austin Green and Machine Gun Kelly weren’t the only two men she was involved with. Fox published an entire poetry book based on her romantic partners, and she detailed her toxic and abusive behaviours she endured, including physical. abuse. Witnessing and experiencing this type of trauma can affect anyone in a big way, so this explains her need and want foe toxicity. She might feel as if it’s just normal behaviours, as well as something she deserves to have in her life.

I might be totally over-analyzing Megan Fox’s interview with ‘Call her Daddy’ host, Alex Cooper. I might’ve gotten absolutely everything wrong about Fox and the background to her life choices. I’m only basing everything on what she said in her interview. It’s not like I know the woman personally. All I can really say based on my analysis is that Megan Fox is beautiful woman, inside and out, who deserves to see in herself what others see in her.

Megan Fox’s ‘Call Her Daddy’ interview was also a great reminder for me and my own struggles in my personal life. It gave me an entirely new perspective and explanation, in a way, as fr my decision making and lack of trust and openness when it came to my romantic relationships; friendships as well. To this day, I have a lack of trust and openness in my friendships, and it’s hard for me to break. Nevertheless, I know I deserve the best in the world. Sometimes, it’s best to be cautious than to fully let people in so fast. Trust is something that’s given when earned; not on a whim.

Everyone has a past, and everyone’s past is somewhat of their explanation to their behaviours, actions, and decision making. What Megan Fox and I have in common is our home lives, us being involved in toxic relationships, and feeling unfulfilled even though we have good things going on. I’m just glad I have someone as Megan Fox to tell me that it’s totally normal to have all the feels that I do despite it looking just fine on the outside world. It’s definitely better than going to any psychologist. I just hope I can always continue working on myself to make sure I don’t break emotionally and mentally; for if I do, I could lose everything.

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